

"The way of the Samurai is found in death", a famous phrase from Hagakure. Through reading the book of Hagakure I found that the author repeatedly encouraged samurai to choose death without hesitation in order to save their honor…


でも、私は地元、佐賀から生まれた世界的に有名な『武士道』と言うことなので、ちょっと読んでみようと勉強もかねて英語翻訳版を佐賀県立図書館から『The Book of the Samurai by Yamamoto Tsunetomo Translated by William Scott Wilson』を借りておそるおそるページを開きました・・・。するとそれはとても、読みやすく、ワクワクするように面白いのです。そして、反動的どころか、とてもリベラルなものであること気づき驚きました。



葉隠れにはいろんなエピソードや口述者の山本定朝の考えが記してあります。その中の散りばめられた教訓:aphorisms やキメセリフは私の心にCoo!に響きました。和訳は私の訳です。出版されている日本語版と照らし合わせていません。もし解釈を間違っていましたらご容赦下さい。

Through reading this book, I've found that the teachings of Hagakure can be interpreted in significantly many ways. The following are the keys to understanding the true meaning of the phrase.

“You behave as if your own body were already dead."

"It is important to be resolute beforehand.”

“The way of the samurai is morning after morning, the practice of death; considering whether death will be here or there; imagining the most subtle way of dying; and focusing one’s mind firmly on death. 

"A master sword man said ;I don’t know the way to defeat others but the way to defeat my self.”

“The way of the samurai is all about taking desperate measures in desperate times. Ten men or more cannot kill such a desperate man."

How do you feel about those aphorisms? In my opinion, these teachings must be concerned with how to deal with your fear of death. In other words, overcoming your fear of death lets you have a significantly different view of life. From this viewpoint you can see what is important or not so important immediately. You won’t hesitate to do what is crucial because you can see clearly what you are doing at any moment in time from this viewpoint.

いいかがですか?"The way of the Samurai is found in death”, a guiding principle of Hagakure Bushido.『武士道とは死ぬこととみつけたり。』とは即ち、いかに生きるかを逆接的に説いたものだというのが私の解釈です。死をまっすぐ見つめる視線で、どう生きるべきかを説いている。この視線を持つことが出来れば、いろんなことへの見方が変る。というのが、未熟ものではありますが私なりの解釈です。


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Posted by いっきゅう  at 14:28 │Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内
