『SHOGUN 将軍』。ジェームズ・クラヴェルの1975年の小説『将軍』を原作史実に基づいいた歴史エンタメ・フィクションです。秀吉亡き後の混乱した戦国時代の日本に英国から船乗りが流れ着いて、大名家康に召し抱えられ、英国人サムライとして旗本まで上りつめるという史実はある種の大冒険活劇ですね!!1980年にもリチャード・チェンバレン主演で『将軍 SHŌGUN』でドラマ化され大きな話題になっていたのを覚えています。
立派な武家屋敷どっかり座った虎永-家康の面前、按針が柄杓をもって庭の砂の上に世界地図を描きます。世界は果物のように丸いと。そこに日本とイギリスの位置を示して大陸を迂回し手やってきたこと。カソリックソ宗国:スペイン+ポルトガルが世界覇権を狙っており、アジア国々含む多くに国が植民地となり 日本はすでに彼らの領土になりつつある。(イエズス会を使ってキリシタン大名を増やして統治させるねらい) 動揺を隠しきれない虎永に、宗派の違う自国イギリス(プロテスタント)はポルトガルとで争っている。(通訳をしているのはサワイ・アンナさん演じるカソリックの日本人:鞠子マリコ。細川ガラシャがモデル)按針は彼らに勝つためにTORANAGA様のお力が必要・・・と共闘を説くシーンは実に興味深い。
実は吾輩塾を始める前、通訳案内士の準備として、主に肥前の国=佐賀長崎各地の文化や歴史を調べて英文=日本語でまとめています、その記事の中にイギリス人サムライ: ウイリアムアダムス=三浦按針のお墓と平戸の潜伏キリシタンのことを書いていたことを思い出しまして、いまから紹介つかまつる。
三浦按針 (ウリアムアダムス)
三浦按針はイギリスの航海士で、母国からアジアへの航海路を模索していました。乗船していたオランダ船が難破し、日本に上陸。(1600年)徳川家康に召抱えられ、西洋じこみの技術や知識、造船、航海、武器、戦略等を伝授します。また、外国との交易にあたって幕府側の官吏として、交渉を当たります。には、名前、刀、領地を与えられ、所謂、青い眼の侍となるのです。彼自身、東南アジアにも出かけ、交易もする。イギリス商館が平戸にあったとこで、この地に住まい、日本人妻(おくに)を娶り、息子(ジョセフ)を娘(スザンヌ)をもうける。帰郷を嘆願するが認められず、故郷を思う気持ちはたちがたく、ユニオンジャックを自宅に掲げていたという。1620年 56歳で、平戸にて永眠す。

日本で始めての宣教師。1549年 鹿児島に上陸。翌年平戸に赴きます。以来三度ひらぢを訪れます。彼は、イエズス会のバスク人聖職者(現スペイン領)で、インドから東南アジアにかけて、多くの人々に洗礼を受けさせることに成功する。彼の同僚にむけた手紙による日本人像では今まで見たアジアの人々の中で、日本人こそ最もカソリックの教えを与えるに値する民族である。彼ら確かに貧しい。しかし、貧しいことを恥じておらず、むしろ、名誉こそ最高の価値としている。清貧を尊び、不正や犯罪を憎んでいるのである、と。しかし、、後のキリスト教禁教時代を思えば、彼の印象が、なんということか皮肉にも、殉教者や隠れ切支丹にひとびとによって証明されたのです。(彼の手紙を読んだ宣教師はどんなに日本を思ったのだろうか。)

平戸藩、藩主松浦 隆信はカソリック布教をオランダとの貿易のために積極的にないにしろ、認めていました。やがてオランダは藩主にも改宗を求めるようになります。また、オランダ船員と家臣とのトラブルもあり、次代の重信は禁教令を公布する。宣教師は国外退去を命ぜられ、切支丹は処刑され殉教するか、かくれ切支丹となって、独自に信仰をまもることになります。


『SHOGUN 将軍』。ジェームズ・クラヴェルの1975年の小説『将軍』を原作史実に基づいいた歴史エンタメ・フィクションです。秀吉亡き後の混乱した戦国時代の日本に英国から船乗りが流れ着いて、大名家康に召し抱えられ、英国人サムライとして旗本まで上りつめるという史実はある種の大冒険活劇ですね!!1980年にもリチャード・チェンバレン主演で『将軍 SHŌGUN』でドラマ化され大きな話題になっていたのを覚えています。

立派な武家屋敷どっかり座った虎永-家康の面前、按針が柄杓をもって庭の砂の上に世界地図を描きます。世界は果物のように丸いと。そこに日本とイギリスの位置を示して大陸を迂回し手やってきたこと。カソリックソ宗国:スペイン+ポルトガルが世界覇権を狙っており、アジア国々含む多くに国が植民地となり 日本はすでに彼らの領土になりつつある。(イエズス会を使ってキリシタン大名を増やして統治させるねらい) 動揺を隠しきれない虎永に、宗派の違う自国イギリス(プロテスタント)はポルトガルとで争っている。(通訳をしているのはサワイ・アンナさん演じるカソリックの日本人:鞠子マリコ。細川ガラシャがモデル)按針は彼らに勝つためにTORANAGA様のお力が必要・・・と共闘を説くシーンは実に興味深い。
実は吾輩塾を始める前、通訳案内士の準備として、主に肥前の国=佐賀長崎各地の文化や歴史を調べて英文=日本語でまとめています、その記事の中にイギリス人サムライ: ウイリアムアダムス=三浦按針のお墓と平戸の潜伏キリシタンのことを書いていたことを思い出しまして、いまから紹介つかまつる。

三浦按針 (ウリアムアダムス)
三浦按針はイギリスの航海士で、母国からアジアへの航海路を模索していました。乗船していたオランダ船が難破し、日本に上陸。(1600年)徳川家康に召抱えられ、西洋じこみの技術や知識、造船、航海、武器、戦略等を伝授します。また、外国との交易にあたって幕府側の官吏として、交渉を当たります。には、名前、刀、領地を与えられ、所謂、青い眼の侍となるのです。彼自身、東南アジアにも出かけ、交易もする。イギリス商館が平戸にあったとこで、この地に住まい、日本人妻(おくに)を娶り、息子(ジョセフ)を娘(スザンヌ)をもうける。帰郷を嘆願するが認められず、故郷を思う気持ちはたちがたく、ユニオンジャックを自宅に掲げていたという。1620年 56歳で、平戸にて永眠す。

日本で始めての宣教師。1549年 鹿児島に上陸。翌年平戸に赴きます。以来三度ひらぢを訪れます。彼は、イエズス会のバスク人聖職者(現スペイン領)で、インドから東南アジアにかけて、多くの人々に洗礼を受けさせることに成功する。彼の同僚にむけた手紙による日本人像では今まで見たアジアの人々の中で、日本人こそ最もカソリックの教えを与えるに値する民族である。彼ら確かに貧しい。しかし、貧しいことを恥じておらず、むしろ、名誉こそ最高の価値としている。清貧を尊び、不正や犯罪を憎んでいるのである、と。しかし、、後のキリスト教禁教時代を思えば、彼の印象が、なんということか皮肉にも、殉教者や隠れ切支丹にひとびとによって証明されたのです。(彼の手紙を読んだ宣教師はどんなに日本を思ったのだろうか。)

平戸藩、藩主松浦 隆信はカソリック布教をオランダとの貿易のために積極的にないにしろ、認めていました。やがてオランダは藩主にも改宗を求めるようになります。また、オランダ船員と家臣とのトラブルもあり、次代の重信は禁教令を公布する。宣教師は国外退去を命ぜられ、切支丹は処刑され殉教するか、かくれ切支丹となって、独自に信仰をまもることになります。


2004年 是枝 裕和監督作品 (伊万里市図書館には是枝作品は「海街ダイアリー」「歩いて歩いても」「そして父になる」あります。全部観ましたよ。

Nobody Knows
The movie starts off with a mother and her four children.
One day, the mother and one of her sons move into a small apartment.
They end up hiding the other three children in boxes and luggage.
That’s because these days, most landlords in Tokyo don’t accept mothers with many young children for fear of troublemaking and causing a burden on the other tenants. All of the mother’s children don’t go to school.
The oldest son is taking care of almost all the housework and rearing the other small children until the mother comes home late at night. The other children are not allowed to go out for fear of being evicted if they are discovered by others. Actually, they seem to be prisoners in their own home. The children are not sure what their mother is doing for a living. The mother seems to have a boyfriend. In fact, each child’s father is different.
One day, the son complains to his mother about her attitude towards life.
She talks back to her son saying, Can’t I pursue my happiness? Do I have to sacrifice my life? Basically, it’s your father’s fault!!? After several days, the mother goes away. So, the kids end up living a life like that of a family of abandoned cats. No adults are aware of their existence. They build their own network of contacts and establish friendships with a few minors. However? Hmm, I should not go into any more detail.
This movie is like a documentary. The story moves slowly and the kids? lives are vividly portrayed. The movie’s cinematography succeeds in capturing every single sensitive expression that the kids make. The story in itself is bitter and sad. (There are several pleasant episodes.) Unlike other tearjerker movies, this movie is subdued, and all the better for that. I was gradually moved to tears.
Thank you for reading. Hiroto
2004年 是枝 裕和監督作品 (伊万里市図書館には是枝作品は「海街ダイアリー」「歩いて歩いても」「そして父になる」あります。全部観ましたよ。

Nobody Knows
The movie starts off with a mother and her four children.
One day, the mother and one of her sons move into a small apartment.
They end up hiding the other three children in boxes and luggage.
That’s because these days, most landlords in Tokyo don’t accept mothers with many young children for fear of troublemaking and causing a burden on the other tenants. All of the mother’s children don’t go to school.
The oldest son is taking care of almost all the housework and rearing the other small children until the mother comes home late at night. The other children are not allowed to go out for fear of being evicted if they are discovered by others. Actually, they seem to be prisoners in their own home. The children are not sure what their mother is doing for a living. The mother seems to have a boyfriend. In fact, each child’s father is different.
One day, the son complains to his mother about her attitude towards life.
She talks back to her son saying, Can’t I pursue my happiness? Do I have to sacrifice my life? Basically, it’s your father’s fault!!? After several days, the mother goes away. So, the kids end up living a life like that of a family of abandoned cats. No adults are aware of their existence. They build their own network of contacts and establish friendships with a few minors. However? Hmm, I should not go into any more detail.
This movie is like a documentary. The story moves slowly and the kids? lives are vividly portrayed. The movie’s cinematography succeeds in capturing every single sensitive expression that the kids make. The story in itself is bitter and sad. (There are several pleasant episodes.) Unlike other tearjerker movies, this movie is subdued, and all the better for that. I was gradually moved to tears.
Thank you for reading. Hiroto

そう言えばその流れを反映してか、伊万里高校特色試験合格者用の英語の課題は『英作エッセイ3題』 (以前はエッセイ対策は高2辺りでやってたことです・・。)英語の得意な人もさすがに苦労してます。まず、ネタがでてこない。('◇')ゞ まあしょうがない、慣れてないし。

『あっかいねぇ?』『うん、うん』『春だねぇ?』 『うん うん・』
そう言えばその流れを反映してか、伊万里高校特色試験合格者用の英語の課題は『英作エッセイ3題』 (以前はエッセイ対策は高2辺りでやってたことです・・。)英語の得意な人もさすがに苦労してます。まず、ネタがでてこない。('◇')ゞ まあしょうがない、慣れてないし。

『あっかいねぇ?』『うん、うん』『春だねぇ?』 『うん うん・』
数年前、頼まれもしないのに川柳なるもの外国人向けに解説を試みました。(暇だったんですねえ。)日本人はユーモアがわからないってたまに聞きますが、とんでもない!落語、漫画、漫才 そして川柳・・・日本の笑いのレベルは相当なものだと思うんですが・・・いかがなもんでしょう?
Japanese have a unique verse form called “senryu”. It is very short and rhythmical like “haiku” having a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. But senryu is very different from haiku in terms of its content in that it is funny, cynical, and sarcastic. And “salaryman” is a Japanese-English word referring to ordinary Japanese workers, who are generally struggling with many concerns ? the downsizing of their companies, raising their children, generation gaps, catching up with advanced information technologies, paying mortgages, etc. So, as you see, in “salaryman senryu”, Japanese workers express their true feelings and thoughts about their lives and their situations with humor and wit. When they make fun of themselves and share their dismal experiences by writing “senryu ”, they are able to let off steam or empathize with each other at least. So, let me try to translate several senryu into English. Even though the task of reproducing the original meanings and rhythms in English is quite difficult, it seems very challenging and interesting to me. Senryu often makes reference to various aspects of Japanese culture and history. It also contains many puns and buzzwords. Please forgive me if I’m not able to do well. (I avoided choosing the verses that convey things/concepts that are uniquely Japanese; it seems impossible to covey the true meaning of these verses to you without lengthy explanations.)
1.Every time, when stepping on a bath scale, I constantly shift the position of my feet.
2. Awesome! I’ve finally gotten a whole week off!
3. I have land and a house, but no room in my home.
4. One day, I met an E-pal, and then, I found that she was my WIFE!
5. I have no dreams even in my own dreams.
6. The boss, who used to tell us to cut down on waste, was cut.
7. Actually, we have another meeting, in order to reduce the number of meetings.
9. My boss is the only person that I can call my E-pal.
10.Why can’t you do your job as fast as you type e-mail on your cell phone?
I quoted these Senryu from Daiichi Seimei 's site.
Translated by Hiroto ikeda
いっきゅう 0955-29-8355 ikeda-office@mx7.tiki.ne.jp 塾長池田まで。

数年前、頼まれもしないのに川柳なるもの外国人向けに解説を試みました。(暇だったんですねえ。)日本人はユーモアがわからないってたまに聞きますが、とんでもない!落語、漫画、漫才 そして川柳・・・日本の笑いのレベルは相当なものだと思うんですが・・・いかがなもんでしょう?
Japanese have a unique verse form called “senryu”. It is very short and rhythmical like “haiku” having a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. But senryu is very different from haiku in terms of its content in that it is funny, cynical, and sarcastic. And “salaryman” is a Japanese-English word referring to ordinary Japanese workers, who are generally struggling with many concerns ? the downsizing of their companies, raising their children, generation gaps, catching up with advanced information technologies, paying mortgages, etc. So, as you see, in “salaryman senryu”, Japanese workers express their true feelings and thoughts about their lives and their situations with humor and wit. When they make fun of themselves and share their dismal experiences by writing “senryu ”, they are able to let off steam or empathize with each other at least. So, let me try to translate several senryu into English. Even though the task of reproducing the original meanings and rhythms in English is quite difficult, it seems very challenging and interesting to me. Senryu often makes reference to various aspects of Japanese culture and history. It also contains many puns and buzzwords. Please forgive me if I’m not able to do well. (I avoided choosing the verses that convey things/concepts that are uniquely Japanese; it seems impossible to covey the true meaning of these verses to you without lengthy explanations.)
1.Every time, when stepping on a bath scale, I constantly shift the position of my feet.
2. Awesome! I’ve finally gotten a whole week off!
3. I have land and a house, but no room in my home.
4. One day, I met an E-pal, and then, I found that she was my WIFE!
5. I have no dreams even in my own dreams.
6. The boss, who used to tell us to cut down on waste, was cut.
7. Actually, we have another meeting, in order to reduce the number of meetings.
9. My boss is the only person that I can call my E-pal.
10.Why can’t you do your job as fast as you type e-mail on your cell phone?
I quoted these Senryu from Daiichi Seimei 's site.
Translated by Hiroto ikeda
いっきゅう 0955-29-8355 ikeda-office@mx7.tiki.ne.jp 塾長池田まで。
“Satorare“ is one of the Japanese movies I like most. In Japanese, the word, Satorare means that thoughts are being noticed or realized by others. How would you feel if others could read your thoughts?
Satorares are rare in human society, having special abilities with the potential to bring enormous profits to their state and people. Therefore, their state protects them from cradle to grave as a national project. Also, all Satorares’ thoughts are automatically transmitted to people’s minds. In other words, they have the inability to tell lies. But Satorares don’t realize this fact. Actually, people are banned from directly or indirectly revealing this fact to Satorares. It can be easily imagined that Satorares would go crazy if they knew this fact.
One day a plane crashes, killing all passengers except for a boy. The rescued boy turns out to be a Satorare. Rescue team members can hear his voice in their minds. Since then, he is raised by his grandmother who is the only relative living in his hometown after the passing of his parents in the plane crash. All residents in the town seem to be growing tired of hearing his thoughts every day, but the town is highly dependent on the funding provided by the national government for the purpose of creating ideal circumstances in the town for the Satorare. Many security guards are secretly monitoring and protecting the Satorare 24 hours, 7 days a week.
夏季講習 受講生募集。この夏いっきゅう入魂!!
The boy's dream is to become a medical doctor in order to help improve the lives of people. He has been wondering for years why he was the only survivor from the terrible plane crash. And he has come to the self-realization that his life must have some meaning. Actually, his role in life becomes that of a highly gifted doctor but this leads to serious problems. Consider the consequences if all of a doctor’s thoughts are conveyed to his or her patients... Furthermore, the national project team has been putting pressure on him to become a medical researcher instead of just a medical doctor; expecting great inventions from him to promote national economic interests.
Let me briefly tell you about the most touching scene involving the main character. He is finally permitted to perform surgery after it is discovered that his grandmother has been suffering from a malignant tumor. During his grandmother's operation, all residents are carefully paying attention to his thoughts, which reveal his memories and his deep love toward his grandmother. ”I’m sorry grandma …“ he is mourning again and again. "I’m sorry, I had not even noticed your bad condition. Even though you had been by my side and taken care of me every day. I’m sorry, I’m very sorry …. I’ll find a cure for you…” The operation seems to be successful in its late stages but he finds other tumors that have already spread to other organs. At that moment everyone has come to realize that it’s too late. Every time I am reminded of this scene, I can't help being moved to tears.
Well, this movie demonstrates how difficult it is for us to remain honest in this information intensive age we live in. Being honest won’t pay off in many cases. Honest people are always vulnerable to false and bad information. We have to be tactful to live well in a sense. We have to tell many lies to others or even ourselves either consciously or unconsciously to spend an easy life. At the same time, we have to be sceptical of others or about many things to protect ourselves from bad intentions. We have to be careful not to reveal too much of our private information to people.
However, as the last part of this movie shows, the Satorare has changed the minds of people sharing such thoughts, because everyone listening to his sincere feelings toward his grandmother has developed empathy for him. At the moment, they have accepted the annoying aspects of their coexistence with the Satorare. Ultimately, I’d say being honest is the only way to acquire trust and love from others. Being honest from the start has the potential to make others honest as well, even though you may end up getting hurt…I like these kinds of people very much who can’t help being honest…They deserve to be loved definitely.
written by Hiroto Ikeda
では、Bye for now

“Satorare“ is one of the Japanese movies I like most. In Japanese, the word, Satorare means that thoughts are being noticed or realized by others. How would you feel if others could read your thoughts?
Satorares are rare in human society, having special abilities with the potential to bring enormous profits to their state and people. Therefore, their state protects them from cradle to grave as a national project. Also, all Satorares’ thoughts are automatically transmitted to people’s minds. In other words, they have the inability to tell lies. But Satorares don’t realize this fact. Actually, people are banned from directly or indirectly revealing this fact to Satorares. It can be easily imagined that Satorares would go crazy if they knew this fact.
One day a plane crashes, killing all passengers except for a boy. The rescued boy turns out to be a Satorare. Rescue team members can hear his voice in their minds. Since then, he is raised by his grandmother who is the only relative living in his hometown after the passing of his parents in the plane crash. All residents in the town seem to be growing tired of hearing his thoughts every day, but the town is highly dependent on the funding provided by the national government for the purpose of creating ideal circumstances in the town for the Satorare. Many security guards are secretly monitoring and protecting the Satorare 24 hours, 7 days a week.
夏季講習 受講生募集。この夏いっきゅう入魂!!
The boy's dream is to become a medical doctor in order to help improve the lives of people. He has been wondering for years why he was the only survivor from the terrible plane crash. And he has come to the self-realization that his life must have some meaning. Actually, his role in life becomes that of a highly gifted doctor but this leads to serious problems. Consider the consequences if all of a doctor’s thoughts are conveyed to his or her patients... Furthermore, the national project team has been putting pressure on him to become a medical researcher instead of just a medical doctor; expecting great inventions from him to promote national economic interests.
Let me briefly tell you about the most touching scene involving the main character. He is finally permitted to perform surgery after it is discovered that his grandmother has been suffering from a malignant tumor. During his grandmother's operation, all residents are carefully paying attention to his thoughts, which reveal his memories and his deep love toward his grandmother. ”I’m sorry grandma …“ he is mourning again and again. "I’m sorry, I had not even noticed your bad condition. Even though you had been by my side and taken care of me every day. I’m sorry, I’m very sorry …. I’ll find a cure for you…” The operation seems to be successful in its late stages but he finds other tumors that have already spread to other organs. At that moment everyone has come to realize that it’s too late. Every time I am reminded of this scene, I can't help being moved to tears.
Well, this movie demonstrates how difficult it is for us to remain honest in this information intensive age we live in. Being honest won’t pay off in many cases. Honest people are always vulnerable to false and bad information. We have to be tactful to live well in a sense. We have to tell many lies to others or even ourselves either consciously or unconsciously to spend an easy life. At the same time, we have to be sceptical of others or about many things to protect ourselves from bad intentions. We have to be careful not to reveal too much of our private information to people.
However, as the last part of this movie shows, the Satorare has changed the minds of people sharing such thoughts, because everyone listening to his sincere feelings toward his grandmother has developed empathy for him. At the moment, they have accepted the annoying aspects of their coexistence with the Satorare. Ultimately, I’d say being honest is the only way to acquire trust and love from others. Being honest from the start has the potential to make others honest as well, even though you may end up getting hurt…I like these kinds of people very much who can’t help being honest…They deserve to be loved definitely.
written by Hiroto Ikeda
では、Bye for now

The shrine stands in a deep forest in the middle of Tenzan Mountain which is the largest mountain in Saga prefecture. It is quite a small event demonstrating a traditional performance art that has been sincerely preserved by the residents of the small village of Hoshiryou.

Hoshiryou-Furyu is dedicated to “Fujiwara Kamatari“, a deity to whom we pray for rich harvests. Allegedly, the Fujiwara Shrine was built in 1795. (The date of when the first Hoshiryou-Furyu originated is uncertain.) Only males are allowed to perform this ritual.

As the video clips show, the dancer called “Tentsuku-mai” performs certain choreographed movements (mainly two patterns of movement) which correspond to the Hayashi or unique music. The precise movements of the performance were repeated 7 times with the dancer facing a different direction in front of the shrine each time.One main pattern of movement consists of choreographed moves: some prostrate and some as steps. The other main pattern of movement is a form of drum dancing.The uniqueness of this ritual is embodied in the costume of the dancer, which has a crescent-shaped horn, and the method of dance which involves the beating of drums while dancing. This ritual possesses the traits of “Tentsuku-mai”, one of the streams of Furyu dance.
Actually, several rituals like Hoshiryou-Furyu have disappeared due to declining populations in each village. So I admire the Hoshiryou residents who have been preserving this ritual and handing it down to future generations. (Next year, I hope I will be able to report on other Furyu festivals around Kiyuragi, Amagawa and Hirose.)
Well…I had difficulty arriving at the event because I didn’t have a detailed map. I eventually encountered a small village, so I got out of my car to ask for directions to the event. Unfortunately, nobody was at home even though I could see that the doors of the village houses were opened. I finally bumped into an elderly peasant. He kindly told me “go straight along this road. It’s just around the corner.” However, after driving straight along that particular road for 15 minutes, I arrived at a 3-way fork in the road!! I thought, “What should I do? I ‘m almost late for the start of the event!! (I should have taken into account the local people’s sense of distance and direction….) I chose the middle route and stepped on the accelerator. I saw several cars lined up along the side of the road. When I pulled over to the side of the road I finally heard the sounds of drums and flutes!!

Hoshiryou-Furyu is dedicated to “Fujiwara Kamatari“, a deity to whom we pray for rich harvests. Allegedly, the Fujiwara Shrine was built in 1795. (The date of when the first Hoshiryou-Furyu originated is uncertain.) Only males are allowed to perform this ritual.

As the video clips show, the dancer called “Tentsuku-mai” performs certain choreographed movements (mainly two patterns of movement) which correspond to the Hayashi or unique music. The precise movements of the performance were repeated 7 times with the dancer facing a different direction in front of the shrine each time.One main pattern of movement consists of choreographed moves: some prostrate and some as steps. The other main pattern of movement is a form of drum dancing.The uniqueness of this ritual is embodied in the costume of the dancer, which has a crescent-shaped horn, and the method of dance which involves the beating of drums while dancing. This ritual possesses the traits of “Tentsuku-mai”, one of the streams of Furyu dance.
Actually, several rituals like Hoshiryou-Furyu have disappeared due to declining populations in each village. So I admire the Hoshiryou residents who have been preserving this ritual and handing it down to future generations. (Next year, I hope I will be able to report on other Furyu festivals around Kiyuragi, Amagawa and Hirose.)
Well…I had difficulty arriving at the event because I didn’t have a detailed map. I eventually encountered a small village, so I got out of my car to ask for directions to the event. Unfortunately, nobody was at home even though I could see that the doors of the village houses were opened. I finally bumped into an elderly peasant. He kindly told me “go straight along this road. It’s just around the corner.” However, after driving straight along that particular road for 15 minutes, I arrived at a 3-way fork in the road!! I thought, “What should I do? I ‘m almost late for the start of the event!! (I should have taken into account the local people’s sense of distance and direction….) I chose the middle route and stepped on the accelerator. I saw several cars lined up along the side of the road. When I pulled over to the side of the road I finally heard the sounds of drums and flutes!!
Furyu 浮立:英文
9月から10月にかけて佐賀県内あちらこちらで、浮立踊りが奉納されますね。いろいろな踊りの形態があって見てて楽しいです。歴史や成り立ちも興味深いものがあります。 以下の記事は私が8年前に撮って英文にしたものです。 これらは浮立についての総論です。もし機会があれば、個々の浮立についてもアップできればとおもいます。
The word "Furyu" is written with the Chinese characters pronounced as "Fuuryu" in Japanese. In English, "Fuuryu" carries the meaning of "cool" or "chic"nwith respect to culture, customs, and nature. Sometimes it is called Furyu-Odori, or Furyu dancing. Furyu dance is performed to the music called Hayashi, a unique combination of flutes, drums, and bells. Fuuryu dance has a wide variety of dance forms. Bon dancing is a representative form of Furyu. Bon dance festivals take place in most communities throughout Japan during Bon, the middle of summer. The word "Bon" is a Buddhist erm. People welcome their ancestors' spirits which are believed to come back home from another world during Bon by performing Bon dances and hanging lanterns.Nenbutsu Odori (Budhist Invocation Dance), Taiko Odori (Drum Dancing), and Shishi Odori (Lion Dance) are other representative forms of Furyu. The Chinese characters for Furyu are "Kaze" meaning wind and "Nagare" referring to stream. But around northwestern Kyushu, throughout Saga and the northern Nagasaki area wich used to be called Hizen in the feudal era, Furyu is written in the Japanese words "Uku," meaning floating,and "Tatsu," meaning standing. This loosely translates to the words "becoming ecstatic or excited" in Chinese characters. Roughly speaking, Furyu in this area can be categorized into three forms:Zanidaiko-Buryu, Men-Buryu, and Tentsukumai.

Fumaneki Furyu

Zenidaiko-Buryu is mainly performed in northwestern Saga, around Imari in particular. Each village around Imari seems to have its unique form of Furyu. Fumanekifuryu is representative of the Furyu in the area.This Furyu dance is a form of prayer for rain and a rich harvest. It's special in that young women wearing colorful kimono dance swiftly while beating small tumbler-like drums called Zeni-Daiko. The movements of the dancers correspond to music called Hayashi and songs. Flutes, bells and drums are typical instruments. And men aggressively and elegantly perform OO-Daiko odori, a dance involving the beating of a big drum.


Ichikawa Tentsukumai

Shirohige dengaku

Meta Furyu
Men-Buryu is dancing performed with masks in the Kashima area, southwestern Saga and the northern part of Nagasaki. This form of Furyu is dedicated to the war dead, from Japan's civil war era in particular. It is written that masked-warriors of Nabishma Noshige, a subordinate of Ryozozi, fought and succeeded in repelling Ootomo's invasion from Bungo (i.e., present day Ooita). To celebrate their triumph, a dance was performed. Otonari Bougaira's is a good example of this dance. It takes place annually in the middle of September. This bold performance is a celebration of victory in war. (Unfortunately, I was not able to see the Men-Buryu performance.)
Tentsukumai-Furyu: Tentsukumai-Furyu, mainly performed around the Saga plain and northern mountainous areas including the Seifuri and Tenzan mountains.It is called Genba-Ryu or Genba-School named after Yamamo Genba. He was the founder of Tentsukumai-Furyu in 1556 at Horie Shrine in Saga. He choreographed the indigenous Japanese dances performedin Kyoto and other parts of central Japan for the locals. In 1556, Genba started to perform Furyu at Horie Shrine in Saga to pray for rain. His style of Furyu dance was prevalent in the surrounding area. "Tentsukumai" literally means "the dance trusting the sky." The crescent-shaped figurethat the Tentsumai is wearing on his head is called Tentsuki. A sun, moon, or star is painted in the middle of the Tentsuki. In the feudal era, if a Tentsukumai failed in his performance, he was supposed to commit seppuku on a straw mat tightened around his back.
The following are other forms of Furyu in Hizen:Gyoretus-Buryu (Furyu of processions), Shishi-Bryu (Furyu of lions), Kane-Buryu (Furyu of ringing bells) ,and others
Bon dancing is a representative form of Furyu. Bon dance festivals take place in most communities throughout Japan during Bon, the middle of summer. The word “Bon” is a Buddhist term. People welcome their ancestors’ spirits which are believed to come back home from another world during Bon by performing Bon dances and hanging lanterns. During this time, most people throughout Japan return to their parents’ homes and enjoy a feast. “Awaodori” is one of the biggest festivals in Japan like the Rio Carnival in Brazil. Many people across Japan, including people from overseas, can participate in the lively dance parade. There is a famous phrase that goes, "When it comes to Awaodori dancing, dancers and spectators alike are crazy. So, why not enjoy dancing? What a waste if you don't dance!"
written by Hiroto:Ikkyou
The word "Furyu" is written with the Chinese characters pronounced as "Fuuryu" in Japanese. In English, "Fuuryu" carries the meaning of "cool" or "chic"nwith respect to culture, customs, and nature. Sometimes it is called Furyu-Odori, or Furyu dancing. Furyu dance is performed to the music called Hayashi, a unique combination of flutes, drums, and bells. Fuuryu dance has a wide variety of dance forms. Bon dancing is a representative form of Furyu. Bon dance festivals take place in most communities throughout Japan during Bon, the middle of summer. The word "Bon" is a Buddhist erm. People welcome their ancestors' spirits which are believed to come back home from another world during Bon by performing Bon dances and hanging lanterns.Nenbutsu Odori (Budhist Invocation Dance), Taiko Odori (Drum Dancing), and Shishi Odori (Lion Dance) are other representative forms of Furyu. The Chinese characters for Furyu are "Kaze" meaning wind and "Nagare" referring to stream. But around northwestern Kyushu, throughout Saga and the northern Nagasaki area wich used to be called Hizen in the feudal era, Furyu is written in the Japanese words "Uku," meaning floating,and "Tatsu," meaning standing. This loosely translates to the words "becoming ecstatic or excited" in Chinese characters. Roughly speaking, Furyu in this area can be categorized into three forms:Zanidaiko-Buryu, Men-Buryu, and Tentsukumai.

Fumaneki Furyu

Zenidaiko-Buryu is mainly performed in northwestern Saga, around Imari in particular. Each village around Imari seems to have its unique form of Furyu. Fumanekifuryu is representative of the Furyu in the area.This Furyu dance is a form of prayer for rain and a rich harvest. It's special in that young women wearing colorful kimono dance swiftly while beating small tumbler-like drums called Zeni-Daiko. The movements of the dancers correspond to music called Hayashi and songs. Flutes, bells and drums are typical instruments. And men aggressively and elegantly perform OO-Daiko odori, a dance involving the beating of a big drum.


Ichikawa Tentsukumai

Shirohige dengaku

Meta Furyu
Men-Buryu is dancing performed with masks in the Kashima area, southwestern Saga and the northern part of Nagasaki. This form of Furyu is dedicated to the war dead, from Japan's civil war era in particular. It is written that masked-warriors of Nabishma Noshige, a subordinate of Ryozozi, fought and succeeded in repelling Ootomo's invasion from Bungo (i.e., present day Ooita). To celebrate their triumph, a dance was performed. Otonari Bougaira's is a good example of this dance. It takes place annually in the middle of September. This bold performance is a celebration of victory in war. (Unfortunately, I was not able to see the Men-Buryu performance.)
Tentsukumai-Furyu: Tentsukumai-Furyu, mainly performed around the Saga plain and northern mountainous areas including the Seifuri and Tenzan mountains.It is called Genba-Ryu or Genba-School named after Yamamo Genba. He was the founder of Tentsukumai-Furyu in 1556 at Horie Shrine in Saga. He choreographed the indigenous Japanese dances performedin Kyoto and other parts of central Japan for the locals. In 1556, Genba started to perform Furyu at Horie Shrine in Saga to pray for rain. His style of Furyu dance was prevalent in the surrounding area. "Tentsukumai" literally means "the dance trusting the sky." The crescent-shaped figurethat the Tentsumai is wearing on his head is called Tentsuki. A sun, moon, or star is painted in the middle of the Tentsuki. In the feudal era, if a Tentsukumai failed in his performance, he was supposed to commit seppuku on a straw mat tightened around his back.
The following are other forms of Furyu in Hizen:Gyoretus-Buryu (Furyu of processions), Shishi-Bryu (Furyu of lions), Kane-Buryu (Furyu of ringing bells) ,and others
Bon dancing is a representative form of Furyu. Bon dance festivals take place in most communities throughout Japan during Bon, the middle of summer. The word “Bon” is a Buddhist term. People welcome their ancestors’ spirits which are believed to come back home from another world during Bon by performing Bon dances and hanging lanterns. During this time, most people throughout Japan return to their parents’ homes and enjoy a feast. “Awaodori” is one of the biggest festivals in Japan like the Rio Carnival in Brazil. Many people across Japan, including people from overseas, can participate in the lively dance parade. There is a famous phrase that goes, "When it comes to Awaodori dancing, dancers and spectators alike are crazy. So, why not enjoy dancing? What a waste if you don't dance!"
written by Hiroto:Ikkyou






と駄々をこねている、まるこちゃんの絵柄がよく目に浮かびます。(政治家の絶対の連発もこれに似ていませんか?) 『ぜったい~』は成熟した人間ならやたらめったら使う言葉じゃないのではないか、と私は思います。
客観性が求められる論理的主張(書く時)する場合、『絶対○○ 絶対賛成、反対!!』とぶち上げることは決して賢い方法とは言えません。なぜなら、そう言うためには、反論者に『グウの根』も出ないぐらいの根拠を持ってこなければならなくなり、かなりハードルが高くなるからです。威勢良く強い主張をぶち上げたあと、論理に飛躍があったり、矛盾が出てくる可能性大です。自分で自分の首を絞めるようなものです。

客観性が求められる論理的主張(書く時)する場合、『絶対○○ 絶対賛成、反対!!』とぶち上げることは決して賢い方法とは言えません。なぜなら、そう言うためには、反論者に『グウの根』も出ないぐらいの根拠を持ってこなければならなくなり、かなりハードルが高くなるからです。威勢良く強い主張をぶち上げたあと、論理に飛躍があったり、矛盾が出てくる可能性大です。自分で自分の首を絞めるようなものです。


大学入試の英作文、あるいは英検スピーチでは、仮定法形式で答えるべき課題、例『もしあなたが国連総長なら なにをしますか?』など頻出します。文法項目おさらいしときましょう。

大学入試の英作文、あるいは英検スピーチでは、仮定法形式で答えるべき課題、例『もしあなたが国連総長なら なにをしますか?』など頻出します。文法項目おさらいしときましょう。


添削後、文法などの疑問点が生じれば、忙しい学校の先生も (添削は無理でも)教えてくれると思いますよ。

添削後、文法などの疑問点が生じれば、忙しい学校の先生も (添削は無理でも)教えてくれると思いますよ。







さて、高校受験や国立大の2次の英語は英作・和訳など記述が多いですね。生徒さんの英作文を添削していて気づくことは日本語感覚のままに英語に置き換えてるものが多いことです。そうならないためには究極的には重要な英文のパターンをまるまる体で覚えてしまうことかな?と思っています。(多読音読有効) しかしながら、いろんなことを勉強しなくてはならない受験生の現実問題としては、手持ちの限られた英語力で、英作をしなければなりません。では、どうしたらよいのでしょうか?
というワケで、これから、気が向いたら、時間があったら、ブログに書くエネルギーが残ってたら、受験生のための英作文を考えるシリーズ『英作君が行く』をはじめてみようかと思います。でも、思いつきで始めましたので あまり期待しないでくださいね。(ごめんね。)

さて、高校受験や国立大の2次の英語は英作・和訳など記述が多いですね。生徒さんの英作文を添削していて気づくことは日本語感覚のままに英語に置き換えてるものが多いことです。そうならないためには究極的には重要な英文のパターンをまるまる体で覚えてしまうことかな?と思っています。(多読音読有効) しかしながら、いろんなことを勉強しなくてはならない受験生の現実問題としては、手持ちの限られた英語力で、英作をしなければなりません。では、どうしたらよいのでしょうか?

というワケで、これから、気が向いたら、時間があったら、ブログに書くエネルギーが残ってたら、受験生のための英作文を考えるシリーズ『英作君が行く』をはじめてみようかと思います。でも、思いつきで始めましたので あまり期待しないでくださいね。(ごめんね。)

コンニチワ。すっかり春めいてきました。こういう日和には『oasis のsongbird』をテキトーに口ずさんで、何処かに行きたくなります。
さて閑話休題。 英作を添削していると、『あ~あ、ルー語になっちゃったじゃん・・・。』 ^^; と、つい言ってしまうことがあります。ご存知、ルー語とは、『藪からステック(棒)』や『ティロード(茶道)』など、ムチャクチャな直訳をルー大柴さんが、芸として造語したのものですが、生徒さんはたまに真剣にルー語を創作します。(^_^;)
例えば、『それは朝飯前です。』をThat’s before breakfast.”と訳するようなものです。それを聞いたアメリカ人はきっと、“Oh,you must be hungry!!”と言うでしょうね・・・。当然、『それはボクにはとても簡単です。』と、言いかえることが必要ですよね。(That’s a peace of cake.というちょうど良い慣用句がありますが、It’s very easy for me to do.と言い方で十分です。)
まあ、これは極端な例ですが、和文英訳すると、日本語に引きづられがちになります。『私は彼女に長い時間待たされた.』を“I was waited by her.”と書く例。訳する前に、まず、ひとの行為をイメージしてください。答えは”She kept me waiting for hours.”となります。日本語(られる、されるが多いです。)の影響で、和文英訳では受動態で書いてしまうことが多いのですが、できるだけ能動態で書くようにしましょう。

ワタシの好きな、UKロックバンド 『oasis』 これはオイェイシスであって オアシスではありませんので、いくら、I love オアシス.っていっても通じないと思いますよ。

かく言うワタクシも、ホワイトカラーワーカー・事務労働者をずっと、White- colorと思い込んでいたことがありました。カラーは襟のことで, white-collar が正解で、発音も若干違います。
さて閑話休題。 英作を添削していると、『あ~あ、ルー語になっちゃったじゃん・・・。』 ^^; と、つい言ってしまうことがあります。ご存知、ルー語とは、『藪からステック(棒)』や『ティロード(茶道)』など、ムチャクチャな直訳をルー大柴さんが、芸として造語したのものですが、生徒さんはたまに真剣にルー語を創作します。(^_^;)
例えば、『それは朝飯前です。』をThat’s before breakfast.”と訳するようなものです。それを聞いたアメリカ人はきっと、“Oh,you must be hungry!!”と言うでしょうね・・・。当然、『それはボクにはとても簡単です。』と、言いかえることが必要ですよね。(That’s a peace of cake.というちょうど良い慣用句がありますが、It’s very easy for me to do.と言い方で十分です。)
まあ、これは極端な例ですが、和文英訳すると、日本語に引きづられがちになります。『私は彼女に長い時間待たされた.』を“I was waited by her.”と書く例。訳する前に、まず、ひとの行為をイメージしてください。答えは”She kept me waiting for hours.”となります。日本語(られる、されるが多いです。)の影響で、和文英訳では受動態で書いてしまうことが多いのですが、できるだけ能動態で書くようにしましょう。

ワタシの好きな、UKロックバンド 『oasis』 これはオイェイシスであって オアシスではありませんので、いくら、I love オアシス.っていっても通じないと思いますよ。

かく言うワタクシも、ホワイトカラーワーカー・事務労働者をずっと、White- colorと思い込んでいたことがありました。カラーは襟のことで, white-collar が正解で、発音も若干違います。
失恋して心が破れる::broken heart 【恋に破れた。】グーグル316000件
なぜかわからんけれど、 そう言うもんなんだよ・・・と言うしかない、ような。。。
understand +なになにを+deeply という組合せは一般的ではありません。
【マナーを知らない】 know ではなくて have no mannersです。

たとえば物の値段はpriceですが、それつづく 高い 安いは high とlow
でも、品物そのものの、たとえば、バッグの高い・安いは、expensiveやinexpensive あるいはcheapです。
Expensive という意味にpriceの意味が含まれている以上、
price とexpensiveの組み合わせは
意味がだぶる(redundant )のでないわけです。
では、人口population の多い少ないと言う場合で一番適当である表現は・・・
①big/small ②many/ few ③much/ little ④large/ small
最後に【努力するは】make an effort あるいは
単純にstudy hard/ work hardです。
失恋して心が破れる::broken heart 【恋に破れた。】グーグル316000件
なぜかわからんけれど、 そう言うもんなんだよ・・・と言うしかない、ような。。。
understand +なになにを+deeply という組合せは一般的ではありません。
【マナーを知らない】 know ではなくて have no mannersです。

たとえば物の値段はpriceですが、それつづく 高い 安いは high とlow
でも、品物そのものの、たとえば、バッグの高い・安いは、expensiveやinexpensive あるいはcheapです。
Expensive という意味にpriceの意味が含まれている以上、
price とexpensiveの組み合わせは
意味がだぶる(redundant )のでないわけです。
では、人口population の多い少ないと言う場合で一番適当である表現は・・・
①big/small ②many/ few ③much/ little ④large/ small
最後に【努力するは】make an effort あるいは
単純にstudy hard/ work hardです。

①批判される。be criticized,
②議論される。be argued, discussed
政治家がよく使う【粛々と】ですが、もともと、静かにと捉えれば、quietly, silently
でも、使われるのは、政治的意味の用語の「批判に耳に貸さず」ですので、「断固として」という意味として捉えれば、decisively determinedlyがいいのではないかとおもいます。
①によって決定される A depend(s) on B
②影響されるとして、 A is influenced ,affected by B
①こころに留め覚えておく。Bear in mind
②気に掛ける take care
③努力する try to 動詞 , work hard.
I was so sorry to hear….
I wasn’t born yesterday.
complain (about+名詞) that S+V
Reputation ・the public image
be concerned about what others think about you.

①批判される。be criticized,
②議論される。be argued, discussed
政治家がよく使う【粛々と】ですが、もともと、静かにと捉えれば、quietly, silently
でも、使われるのは、政治的意味の用語の「批判に耳に貸さず」ですので、「断固として」という意味として捉えれば、decisively determinedlyがいいのではないかとおもいます。
①によって決定される A depend(s) on B
②影響されるとして、 A is influenced ,affected by B
①こころに留め覚えておく。Bear in mind
②気に掛ける take care
③努力する try to 動詞 , work hard.
I was so sorry to hear….
I wasn’t born yesterday.
complain (about+名詞) that S+V
Reputation ・the public image
be concerned about what others think about you.