数年前、頼まれもしないのに川柳なるもの外国人向けに解説を試みました。(暇だったんですねえ。)日本人はユーモアがわからないってたまに聞きますが、とんでもない!落語、漫画、漫才 そして川柳・・・日本の笑いのレベルは相当なものだと思うんですが・・・いかがなもんでしょう?
Japanese have a unique verse form called “senryu”. It is very short and rhythmical like “haiku” having a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. But senryu is very different from haiku in terms of its content in that it is funny, cynical, and sarcastic. And “salaryman” is a Japanese-English word referring to ordinary Japanese workers, who are generally struggling with many concerns ? the downsizing of their companies, raising their children, generation gaps, catching up with advanced information technologies, paying mortgages, etc. So, as you see, in “salaryman senryu”, Japanese workers express their true feelings and thoughts about their lives and their situations with humor and wit. When they make fun of themselves and share their dismal experiences by writing “senryu ”, they are able to let off steam or empathize with each other at least. So, let me try to translate several senryu into English. Even though the task of reproducing the original meanings and rhythms in English is quite difficult, it seems very challenging and interesting to me. Senryu often makes reference to various aspects of Japanese culture and history. It also contains many puns and buzzwords. Please forgive me if I’m not able to do well. (I avoided choosing the verses that convey things/concepts that are uniquely Japanese; it seems impossible to covey the true meaning of these verses to you without lengthy explanations.)
1.Every time, when stepping on a bath scale, I constantly shift the position of my feet.
2. Awesome! I’ve finally gotten a whole week off!
3. I have land and a house, but no room in my home.
4. One day, I met an E-pal, and then, I found that she was my WIFE!
5. I have no dreams even in my own dreams.
6. The boss, who used to tell us to cut down on waste, was cut.
7. Actually, we have another meeting, in order to reduce the number of meetings.
9. My boss is the only person that I can call my E-pal.
10.Why can’t you do your job as fast as you type e-mail on your cell phone?
I quoted these Senryu from Daiichi Seimei 's site.
Translated by Hiroto ikeda
いっきゅう 0955-29-8355 ikeda-office@mx7.tiki.ne.jp 塾長池田まで。

数年前、頼まれもしないのに川柳なるもの外国人向けに解説を試みました。(暇だったんですねえ。)日本人はユーモアがわからないってたまに聞きますが、とんでもない!落語、漫画、漫才 そして川柳・・・日本の笑いのレベルは相当なものだと思うんですが・・・いかがなもんでしょう?
Japanese have a unique verse form called “senryu”. It is very short and rhythmical like “haiku” having a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. But senryu is very different from haiku in terms of its content in that it is funny, cynical, and sarcastic. And “salaryman” is a Japanese-English word referring to ordinary Japanese workers, who are generally struggling with many concerns ? the downsizing of their companies, raising their children, generation gaps, catching up with advanced information technologies, paying mortgages, etc. So, as you see, in “salaryman senryu”, Japanese workers express their true feelings and thoughts about their lives and their situations with humor and wit. When they make fun of themselves and share their dismal experiences by writing “senryu ”, they are able to let off steam or empathize with each other at least. So, let me try to translate several senryu into English. Even though the task of reproducing the original meanings and rhythms in English is quite difficult, it seems very challenging and interesting to me. Senryu often makes reference to various aspects of Japanese culture and history. It also contains many puns and buzzwords. Please forgive me if I’m not able to do well. (I avoided choosing the verses that convey things/concepts that are uniquely Japanese; it seems impossible to covey the true meaning of these verses to you without lengthy explanations.)
1.Every time, when stepping on a bath scale, I constantly shift the position of my feet.
2. Awesome! I’ve finally gotten a whole week off!
3. I have land and a house, but no room in my home.
4. One day, I met an E-pal, and then, I found that she was my WIFE!
5. I have no dreams even in my own dreams.
6. The boss, who used to tell us to cut down on waste, was cut.
7. Actually, we have another meeting, in order to reduce the number of meetings.
9. My boss is the only person that I can call my E-pal.
10.Why can’t you do your job as fast as you type e-mail on your cell phone?
I quoted these Senryu from Daiichi Seimei 's site.
Translated by Hiroto ikeda
いっきゅう 0955-29-8355 ikeda-office@mx7.tiki.ne.jp 塾長池田まで。