
The Ruins of Shirohebi
Jomon men” lived in this cave. The Jomon era is Japan’s pre-historical era around BC 10,000~500. Stonewares made in the Jomon-era were excavated in this cave. The ruins of the Temple of “Shigon-Syou, a sect of Buddhism in Japan, date back to the 12th century around the Kamakura period.
Location: the western part of Imari city called “Wakino.”It might to be quite difficult to reach this place without directions from a local. Narrow rice field passes lead you to these ruins. (Actually, I have gotten lost many times trying to get there. Its tranquility creates a mysterious and secret atmosphere.)


【いっきゅうCM:パワーアップ 夏期講習受講生募集:中学 主要5教科+ 高校英語数学 個別90分授業で突破力持続力をつけよう!!】

The Ruins of Shirohebi
Jomon men” lived in this cave. The Jomon era is Japan’s pre-historical era around BC 10,000~500. Stonewares made in the Jomon-era were excavated in this cave. The ruins of the Temple of “Shigon-Syou, a sect of Buddhism in Japan, date back to the 12th century around the Kamakura period.
Location: the western part of Imari city called “Wakino.”It might to be quite difficult to reach this place without directions from a local. Narrow rice field passes lead you to these ruins. (Actually, I have gotten lost many times trying to get there. Its tranquility creates a mysterious and secret atmosphere.)


【いっきゅうCM:パワーアップ 夏期講習受講生募集:中学 主要5教科+ 高校英語数学 個別90分授業で突破力持続力をつけよう!!】