

"The way of the Samurai is found in death", a famous phrase from Hagakure. Through reading the book of Hagakure I found that the author repeatedly encouraged samurai to choose death without hesitation in order to save their honor…


でも、私は地元、佐賀から生まれた世界的に有名な『武士道』と言うことなので、ちょっと読んでみようと勉強もかねて英語翻訳版を佐賀県立図書館から『The Book of the Samurai by Yamamoto Tsunetomo Translated by William Scott Wilson』を借りておそるおそるページを開きました・・・。するとそれはとても、読みやすく、ワクワクするように面白いのです。そして、反動的どころか、とてもリベラルなものであること気づき驚きました。



葉隠れにはいろんなエピソードや口述者の山本定朝の考えが記してあります。その中の散りばめられた教訓:aphorisms やキメセリフは私の心にCoo!に響きました。和訳は私の訳です。出版されている日本語版と照らし合わせていません。もし解釈を間違っていましたらご容赦下さい。

Through reading this book, I've found that the teachings of Hagakure can be interpreted in significantly many ways. The following are the keys to understanding the true meaning of the phrase.

“You behave as if your own body were already dead."

"It is important to be resolute beforehand.”

“The way of the samurai is morning after morning, the practice of death; considering whether death will be here or there; imagining the most subtle way of dying; and focusing one’s mind firmly on death. 

"A master sword man said ;I don’t know the way to defeat others but the way to defeat my self.”

“The way of the samurai is all about taking desperate measures in desperate times. Ten men or more cannot kill such a desperate man."

How do you feel about those aphorisms? In my opinion, these teachings must be concerned with how to deal with your fear of death. In other words, overcoming your fear of death lets you have a significantly different view of life. From this viewpoint you can see what is important or not so important immediately. You won’t hesitate to do what is crucial because you can see clearly what you are doing at any moment in time from this viewpoint.

いいかがですか?"The way of the Samurai is found in death”, a guiding principle of Hagakure Bushido.『武士道とは死ぬこととみつけたり。』とは即ち、いかに生きるかを逆接的に説いたものだというのが私の解釈です。死をまっすぐ見つめる視線で、どう生きるべきかを説いている。この視線を持つことが出来れば、いろんなことへの見方が変る。というのが、未熟ものではありますが私なりの解釈です。


Posted by いっきゅう  at 14:28Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内



8月21日伊万里市東山代町の脇野の宝積寺境内にて 大念仏という念仏踊りの祭事が行われます。


The festivals I witnessed took place in the evening of August 21st at Houseki-Temple located in Wakinino, northwestern Imari. The Nenbutsu-odori is a unique ritual dance to pray for sufficient rain and a rich harvest. Eight Kimono clad dancers striking bells and drums slowly walk around the flagpoles held by eight seniors. The elegantly slow dancing gradually speeds up in three stages of the Nenbutsu dance routine.



『Historical Background』
The origin of the Dai-Nenbutsu festival dates back to the Heian period (about 900 years ago) in Kyoto. This festival was started by Kuya, a Buddhist priest, and widely spread across Japan by Ippen priests throughout the Kamakura period. At the time, occurrences of natural disasters were believed to be caused by evil spirits of the dead which harbored grudges in the real world. In order to calm down the angry spirits, the Nenbutsu dance was dedicated to them.

In 1082, Urauchi Awazi-nokami, a noble man who was expelled from Kyoto (the capital of Japan at the time) over a political dispute, was granted asylum by a lord of the Matsura clan. He eventually settled down in the feudal settlement of the Matsura clan located around the Imari Gulf. He brought the rituals performed at Nibu Temple in Kyoto to the feudal settlements in northern Nagasaki around present-day western Saga prefecture. Wakagi villagers in Imari have been faithfully observing the original form of these rituals. In the minds of the villagers, every rule must be stringently followed with respect to musical performances, dance performances, costumes, miscellaneous procedures, and so on.


『The rituals』
Dancing around in rounds 1-4, accompanied by the sounds of drums and bells, the dancers are conjuring up the spirits. In the 8th rounds,called Makuri ;the dancers express their ecstasy after realizing that their prayers have been answered. Afterwards, they eventually send the spirits off to heaven.

Posted by いっきゅう  at 09:18Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内






"Furyu" is a very unique form of traditional and religious folk dancing with unique costumes and instruments. It has a close relationship with religion. Furyu is dedicated to ancestor spirits or deities in each community to pray for rich harvests, sufficient rain, peace, and to ward off evil spirits that are believed to bring plagues and natural disasters. The characteristics of Furyu vary from place to place. Each has its own unique costumes, music and songs developed and influenced by Japanese culture since the Heian and Muromachi periods around the 11th century.



The word "Furyu" is written with the Chinese characters pronounced as "Fuuryu" in Japanese. In English, "Fuuryu" carries the meaning of "cool" or "chic" with respect to culture, customs, and nature. Sometimes it is called Furyu-Odori, or Furyu dancing. Furyu dance is performed to the music called Hayashi, a unique combination of flutes, drums, and bells. Fuuryu dance has a wide variety of dance forms. Bon dancing is a representative form of Furyu. Bon dance festivals take place in most communities throughout Japan during Bon, the middle of summer. The word "Bon" is a Buddhist erm. People welcome their ancestors' spirits which are believed to come back home from another world during Bon by performing Bon dances and hanginglanterns Nenbutsu Odori (Budhist Invocation Dance)


Posted by いっきゅう  at 15:22Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内



有田町(西有田町)大木の 『龍泉寺』で毎年八月十八日に行われる『十八夜祭り』を紹介します。


The festival on the 18th is held in the evening at Ryusenze Temple and in nearby Nishi-Arita. (Actually, this festival falls on my birthday! I’ve never experienced such a memorable birthday party!) The August 18th festival still follows traditions in terms of its performances and music. Furyu dances and fireworks displays are symbolic forms of prayer for rain and a rich harvest in the present year.


The procession of Happi (a kind of Kimono) clad people dancing and playing music with flutes, drums and bells, and accompanied by fireworks, creates a mysterious atmosphere along the narrow streets lined with old houses.


Performance; at the opening ceremony of the temple, oddly some youngsters were clashing with each other. According to the local residents, one side was representing the evil spirits who were trying to stop the rituals of the opening ceremony, while the other side was countering them to protect the performers in order that they may continue the rituals of the opening ceremony.


Fireworks; At the climax, “Jamon”, a dragon-like figure, sparks and starts revolving. Behind the sparking Jamon, big rocks start exploding one after another in the sky. It’s an amazing spectacle!


The Historical Background; According to the historical information about Nishi-Arita provided by the Nishi-Arita town office, a severe drought struck the Arita area in 1532. Ei-tetus, a Buddhist priest, was ordered to pray for rain by a lord who dominated this area. It eventually rained after he had prayed for three days.The lord built Ryusenzi in commemoration of this good fortune. When another drought occurred in Arita in 1658, Sonei, the chief of Ryusenzi, spent 17 days praying for rain by worshiping “the king of dragons” who was believed to manage rain. Also, almost all of the village people performed Furyu dances as a means to pray for rain. Finally, they enjoyed substantial rainfall and even a rich harvest that year.In fact , the local people told me that it has never failed to rain after this festival. The day after the festival, it rained a little indeed. It sounds a little funny, but if it rains heavily, the festival is called off. I think that’s because prayers for rain are no longer necessary.


A local family welcomed us to their house and offered us treats and drinks. They taught us about the background of the festivals and Furyu. In the picture below, flutes for Furyu are featured. The deceased head of the family who was a master flute-player made these flutes. During the days of the festival, visitors are supposed to be welcomed to residents’ houses and wined and dined for free. This custom is called “Bureiko” in Japanese.



Posted by いっきゅう  at 08:56Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内



歌垣。 ウィキペディアによれば、“古代日本(古事記・万葉集の時代)における歌垣は、特定の日時と場所に老若男女が集会し、共同飲食しながら歌を掛け合う呪的信仰に立つ行事であり、互いに求愛歌を掛け合いながら、対になり恋愛関係になるとされる。~中略~ 時代が下るにつれて、呪的信仰・予祝・感謝行事としての性格は薄れ、未婚者による求婚行事となっていった”とあります。




Utagaki was often practiced in the Kishima mountains which is located western central Saga prefecture. Utagaki was a religious event in ancient times where people exchanged forms of poetic verses like Waka. While dancing and singing, young men and women met and fell in love with each other. The Utagaki-like events still exist in some south Asian countries and the southern part of China..

Here is a Waka poem on Mt.Utagaki...


“When I climbed up the steep Kishima Mountain,
I failed to grasp the grasses and I happened to take my sweetheart’s hand.” 


Posted by いっきゅう  at 11:22Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内



ご存知のとおり鍋島(佐賀)藩は明治維新前後、日本の近代化に大きな貢献しました。この時期に活躍した七賢人は佐賀の誇りですね。。Seven wise men in Saga clan who contributed much to modernize Japan around the Meiji restoration.





The Nabeshima clan had played a significant role in the success of the imperial restoration. There were two main reasons. From generation to generation, the Nabehima clan had valued education. This was particularly true during the time of the illustrious Lord Nabeshima Naomasa. The Kogakukan, a school run by the clan, produced important figures who were involved in the modernization of Japan during the Imperial restoration. The Nabesima clan succeeded in fostering industries, commerce such as manufacturing and exporting ceramics, and agriculture.

Furthermore, despite the Edo Shogunate government’s policy of isolating the country from the outside world, the Nabeshima clan had been permitted to manage “Dezima Island which, was the only place to be opened for trade with the Netherlands. The Netherlands was the only permitted to trade with Japan. As a result, the Nabeshima clan acquired advanced technologies and knowledge from the west during this time. It was the Nabeshima clan’s advanced knowledge of political systems and military technologies that led to the significant role it played in the success of the Meiji Restoration

Thanks for reading this
written by Hiroto



Posted by いっきゅう  at 09:53Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内







The festivals for hydrangeas in Mikaerinotaki fall takes place in Ouchicho in June.(Ouchi means the place in which people see each other in Japanese.) Mikaeri referring to tuning around, the meaning of the name of the fall is derived from what a beautiful fall to turn your head to see it. Behind this fall, a spiritual mountain called “Sakurei Zan”, where ascetic monks used to practice exists. Besides the fall, a deity called Kanon believed bestows benefits having babies or cure for eyes diseases are worshiped. You can enjoy hiking on a waking road surrounding this water fall. The best seasons, when you visit there are early summer and late autumn. You can appreciate lovely colorful hydrangeas and brilliantly red colored leaves in each time. You can enjoy eating delicious grilled fishes caught in the river from this fall a near restaurants or inns.


Posted by いっきゅう  at 10:01Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内





Okawauchi-Yama is a site in Imari for porcelains called "Nabshima". At this site, more than 30 ceramics manufacturers display their works. Okawachiyama has three main charms I believe.

First off, you can enjoy seeing beautiful ceramics at the shops around Okawachiyama. You can comfortably and leisurely walk and enjoy seeing ceramics shops directly managed by potters who live around the small village.

Secondly, you can learn about the history and culture that surrounds the traditionally significant ceramics.
The site is in a natural setting and has a strong cultural atmosphere. Imari-yaki was only produced for Lord Nabeshima who dominated the area around present-day Saga prefecture during the Edo era( 17th-19th century). There was a gate that prevented craftsmen from escaping this site to maintain the secrecy of these special ceramic techniques.

Lastly, you can appreciate the beautiful landscape that looks like some kind of black and white drawing; an exotic ragged mountain surrounds the small town including traditional Japanese houses. You can appreciate the rich nature that varies from season to season and the significant culture of the area while taking a walk around here.

Wind chimes are called Fuurin in Japanese. These in below picture are made of ceramics. People enjoy those cool sounds in summer.

Thank you very much for reading this. :)
Written by Hiroto

 カメラ canon demi


Posted by いっきゅう  at 11:03Comments(2)英語でふるさと案内