



『SHOGUN 将軍』。ジェームズ・クラヴェルの1975年の小説『将軍』を原作史実に基づいいた歴史エンタメ・フィクションです。秀吉亡き後の混乱した戦国時代の日本に英国から船乗りが流れ着いて、大名家康に召し抱えられ、英国人サムライとして旗本まで上りつめるという史実はある種の大冒険活劇ですね!!1980年にもリチャード・チェンバレン主演で『将軍 SHŌGUN』でドラマ化され大きな話題になっていたのを覚えています。

切腹を儀式のように行うサムライの死生観(かなりショッキングで残酷なシーンがあります)カソリックやプロテスタントの狂信的信条。文化価値観とのぶつかり合い。現代のわれわれからすると何という恐ろしき時代背景なんだ!!たしかに視聴者としてはおもしろいけど、その時に生きてなくてよかった‥というのが正直な気持ちですが・・。(プロットはあくまでもフィクションで誇張/単純化された演出である、という理解が必要。さもなくば頭に血が上って世界中の人々のあいだでとんでもない誤解や偏見・喧嘩が勃発する。) wobbly

立派な武家屋敷どっかり座った虎永-家康の面前、按針が柄杓をもって庭の砂の上に世界地図を描きます。世界は果物のように丸いと。そこに日本とイギリスの位置を示して大陸を迂回し手やってきたこと。カソリックソ宗国:スペイン+ポルトガルが世界覇権を狙っており、アジア国々含む多くに国が植民地となり 日本はすでに彼らの領土になりつつある。(イエズス会を使ってキリシタン大名を増やして統治させるねらい) 動揺を隠しきれない虎永に、宗派の違う自国イギリス(プロテスタント)はポルトガルとで争っている。(通訳をしているのはサワイ・アンナさん演じるカソリックの日本人:鞠子マリコ。細川ガラシャがモデル)按針は彼らに勝つためにTORANAGA様のお力が必要・・・と共闘を説くシーンは実に興味深い。




実は吾輩塾を始める前、通訳案内士の準備として、主に肥前の国=佐賀長崎各地の文化や歴史を調べて英文=日本語でまとめています、その記事の中にイギリス人サムライ: ウイリアムアダムス=三浦按針のお墓と平戸の潜伏キリシタンのことを書いていたことを思い出しまして、いまから紹介つかまつる。think

三浦按針 (ウリアムアダムス)

三浦按針はイギリスの航海士で、母国からアジアへの航海路を模索していました。乗船していたオランダ船が難破し、日本に上陸。(1600年)徳川家康に召抱えられ、西洋じこみの技術や知識、造船、航海、武器、戦略等を伝授します。また、外国との交易にあたって幕府側の官吏として、交渉を当たります。には、名前、刀、領地を与えられ、所謂、青い眼の侍となるのです。彼自身、東南アジアにも出かけ、交易もする。イギリス商館が平戸にあったとこで、この地に住まい、日本人妻(おくに)を娶り、息子(ジョセフ)を娘(スザンヌ)をもうける。帰郷を嘆願するが認められず、故郷を思う気持ちはたちがたく、ユニオンジャックを自宅に掲げていたという。1620年 56歳で、平戸にて永眠す。

日本で始めての宣教師。1549年 鹿児島に上陸。翌年平戸に赴きます。以来三度ひらぢを訪れます。彼は、イエズス会のバスク人聖職者(現スペイン領)で、インドから東南アジアにかけて、多くの人々に洗礼を受けさせることに成功する。彼の同僚にむけた手紙による日本人像では今まで見たアジアの人々の中で、日本人こそ最もカソリックの教えを与えるに値する民族である。彼ら確かに貧しい。しかし、貧しいことを恥じておらず、むしろ、名誉こそ最高の価値としている。清貧を尊び、不正や犯罪を憎んでいるのである、と。しかし、、後のキリスト教禁教時代を思えば、彼の印象が、なんということか皮肉にも、殉教者や隠れ切支丹にひとびとによって証明されたのです。(彼の手紙を読んだ宣教師はどんなに日本を思ったのだろうか。)




平戸藩、藩主松浦 隆信はカソリック布教をオランダとの貿易のために積極的にないにしろ、認めていました。やがてオランダは藩主にも改宗を求めるようになります。また、オランダ船員と家臣とのトラブルもあり、次代の重信は禁教令を公布する。宣教師は国外退去を命ぜられ、切支丹は処刑され殉教するか、かくれ切支丹となって、独自に信仰をまもることになります。











さて、総論的な序文ですが紹介いたします。(各論的な英文はいつか機会があれば・・・。) 良かったら読んでください。

Francisco Zabiel is the first missionary to introduce Christianity to Japan in 1549. He came to Hirado Island the following year. Since then, Portuguese vessels travelled to Hirado to trade and missionaries taught Christianity to the people living on Hirado Island. When Oomura Sumitada, the lord of Oumula (present-day Oomura city in Nagasaki prefecture), became a faithful Christian lord, Nagasaki city was made into a port city with the cooperation of the Portuguese and the Oomura Clan. Afterwards, a lot of missions visiting Nagasaki spread Catholic teachings to the people of Nagasaki and built many churches, schools and hospitals. After Toyotomi Hideyoshi united Japan, he outlawed Christianity in 1587. Missionaries were ordered to leave Japan. But some missionaries continued carrying out their missions. A remarkable event occurred in 1596; 26 Catholic people (4 missionaries and 22 Japanese believers) were executed in Nagasaki. The Tokugawa Shogunate also followed the precedent set by Hideyoshi’s policy. Even though most foreign missionaries were expelled from Japan, some missionaries hid while others never stopped coming to Japan in order to continue spreading Christianity. Tokugawa ruthlessly cracked down on efforts to spread Christianity. On October 15th, 1635, the Amakusa-Shimabara insurgency occurred. Both areas had a lot of Christians because the former lords of these areas were Christians. Almost all of the residents; no less than 37,000 people including kids, women, and the elderly; were killed by troops dispatched from various alliances of clans by order of Tokugawa. After this event, the Tokugawa Shogunate continued to severely persecute Christians. Officers had the huge responsibility of eradicating Christians within their territories. Officers forced them to abandon their Christian beliefs through acts of brutal torture. Some people were hanged upside down in a hole until they renounced their Christian beliefs.(called Ana Zuri in Japanese term) Authorities forced them to step on an icon of Jesus or Mary. ( called Fumie in Japanese term) Some of them refused to do so in observance of their beliefs. As a result, they were executed. For example, some were crucified and left for dead in the shallow sea.(called Suitaku in japanese term) Waves gradually washed over their bodies and faces…The authorities tried to show the local residents the fate of the Christians. Others chose to step on the images to prove that they were non-Christians. But they didn’t abandon their Christian beliefs in fact.

平戸 生月島

Christians in Hiding or Kakure Kirishitan in Japanese
Many Christians had no choice but to become Christians in hiding to survive or protect their family and community. If one was revealed to be a Christian, his/her family and community would be regarded as Christians , which led to extinction of whole comunities. (called Kuzure in a Japanese term)They pretended to be Buddhists and practiced Shintoism, having a Buddhist altar and a shelf of gods in their houses to mask their true beliefs. But they secretly continued chantting “Orasho” or prayers. “Orasho” is derived from “Oratio” in Portuguese. Orasho were uttered in the same manner as Buddhist sutras. They had been secretly keeping crosses, figures of Mary and Jesus, rosaries, and other secret Christian objects. Images of Kanon were substituted for images of Mary. When almost all of the missionaries in Japan had died, they established organizations (called “Konpanya” derived from “Compania” in Portuguese) to maintain their beliefs. Oji-sama and Oyaji-sama are leaders who conduct their own Christian services. Actually, they had developed their own form of religion, blending Christianity, Buddhism, Shintoism, and indigenous religions in no less than 250 years. They had to prove annually that they were not Christians by stepping on an icon of Jesus. It is said that in some areas, they wore new sandals on that day, and after stepping on the Fumie, they boiled their sandals and drunk the soup of their sandals.

長崎 外海町

天草 崎津港

Even after the end of Tokugawa regime in 1867, the newly established Meiji government didn’t permit Christianity to flourish in the early Meiji period. One of the principles of the new government was to revere the Emperor, so Shintoism was regarded as the national religion. As a result, Buddhism was separated from Shintoism. When it comes to Christianity, needless to say, there was no room for Christianity in Japan at that time. But due to pressure from western countries, the Meiji government finally lifted the ban on Christianity in 1873. As a result, a lot of churches were built and rebuilt. Many Christians came out of hiding and became “true Christians” in a sense. But in some areas such as Ikitsuki, Najishi on Hirado, the Goto Islands, Sotomicho in northern Nagasaki, and the Nobosaki Peninsula in Nagasaki for example, they had their own way unique way of worshipping God. They persistently observed Christianity in their own way as Kakure Christians. Catholic authorities made unsuccessful attempts to persuade the Kakure Christians to adopt standard forms of Catholic worship in exchange for their admission into the Catholic Church. Their attempts at persuasion failed because Kakure Krishitan beliefs had completely changed from their original state. In fact, Kakure Christians worshiped their ancestor spirits rather than God like other Japanese Buddhists. As of today, most of the Kakure Kirishitan organizations have been dissolved. Only on Ikitsuki, do the residents of a small mountain community still observe their own religion. About 1000 of the 8500 residents on Ikitsuki Island are Kakure Kirishitan. It sounds ironic to learn that most of the Kakure Kirishitan converted themselves from Christians to Buddhists. Actually, many of the Christian martyrs have been worshiped as deities in a Shinto way for reasons other than to mask the religious beliefs of the Kakure Krishitan….

島原 原城跡




Posted by いっきゅう  at 15:49Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内塾長のひとりごと。





Time/Date: the festival is held from the 2nd to the 4th of November
Location: around the castle town in Karatsu city including Karatsu Shrine.
Features: the surfaces of the floats called Hiki-Yama are made of 200 layers of lacquer finished Japanese paper coated with gold and silver leaf. Artistic craftsmanship and an enormous budget were needed to create and maintain them. (So far, each float has been recoated with lacquer several times.)
 The position of each float in the procession was determined by following the chronological order in which the floats were manufactured. The oldest float, Akajishi, was made in 1819 in the Edo era and the newest one, Shichihou Maru, was made in 1876 in the Meiji era. 

History;Ishizaki Yosibei was an important figure in the early days of the festival's history. He was a master of wooden sculptures in Katana-cho, who was inspired by Kyoto Gion Yamakasa (a floating festival in Kyoto). He was the first to create a float called "Akajishi" or red lion. He dedicated it to the Karatsu Shrine.
In the Edo era, commoners were not allowed to enter the shrine because the shrine was exclusively managed by the warrior class of the Karatsu clan. But during Kunchi, the general public was allowed to enter the shrine to celebrate the festivals.Firefighters in each town around Karatsu Castle used to manage each Hiki-Yama in Edo era. Participants are wearing beautiful Happi which the firefighters used to wear. These Happi are designed in different ways in each town. 

The shouting is "Enyah!  Enyah!"
The second day of the festival is called Otabisho-Shikou. At the event, all of the Hikiyama are pulled in and out of a sand area called Hikikomi and Hikidashi. Due to the heavy weights of the floats, it must be quite difficult to move them; however, this hardship has become a crowd-pleasing spectacle. On the final day, all of the Hikiyama are paraded around the city during the daytime. 

Karatsukunchi is designated as a national intangible asset.

Aka-Jishi (Red Lion) Katana-cho

Tai (Porgy) Uoya-cho

Ao-Jishi(Blue Lion) Naka-cho

Hiryu(Flying Dragon) Sin-cho

Houou-Maru(Phoenix Sihip) Ooishi-cho

Urasima-Tarou(A Boy of An Allegory) Zaimoku-cho

Kin-Jishi(Golden Lion) Honmachi-cho

Nana Hou-Maru (A 7 treasures Ship) Egawa-cho

Sakenomi-Douzi (A Boy of A Prodigious drinker) Yoneya-cho

Syachi(Orca) Mizunushi --cho

Takeda Shingen :(A Feudal Warlord) Momen-cho

Tamatori-Jishi( A Lion ) Kyou-machi

Uesugi-Kenshin(A Feudal Warlord) Hirano-cho

MinamotonoYoshitsune (A Genious Warrior ) Gohuku-cho

all rights reserved


Posted by いっきゅう  at 23:59Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内





Location: several places in the center of Imari city.
Danjiri: a portable float carrying people who are hitting a drum, with a colorful futon on the top.
Aramikoshi: a fighting portable shrine

The fighting performances, called "Kassen" in Japanese.First, the side of Aramikoshi provokes the Danziri side to start fighting. Both sides get excited and exchange provocations. The moment when both sides are ready to fight is similar to Sumo. The leaders or generals called "Kenka -Daisho" on each side cross flags. A drummer on the Danjiri side starts beating a drum. Corresponding to the sounds of drumming, guys on both sides start holding up the floats. They confront each other and to try to turn the opposing side's float over. Almost every time, several guys get injured and sent to hospitals. Being injured during the Kassen is regarded as evidence of being brave so, it is called an honorable injury. People see those honorably injured participants off with applause and praise. But in the past, some participants have died from Kassen unfortunately.

While traveling around the city, "Chosanyha!" is shouted by the Aramikoshi side. It refers to the journey to "Chotei," the imperial court of Aramikoshi. "Arayoutonah!" meaning "How good it is." is shouted from the Danjiri side.The height of each float is about 180 cm.The weight of each float is about 600kg.

This festival demonstrates the situation of the Nanbokucho era (The North-South regime era) around the 14th century when Japan's regime was divided into two political and military powers( Two Tenou or emperor existed): Aramikoshi representing the Kusunoki side in the south and the Danjiri representing the Ashikaga side in the north. The Ashikaga side finally won and united the regimes and established the Muromachi Bakufu or the Muramachi shogunate. So, the period is called the "Muromachi period." Historical events from this period are reflected in the fighting performances; Aramikoshi always runs away from the battlefield and Dajiri gives chase.

The final battles

Both floats are thrown away into the river. The one that is pulled out of the river and landed first is the winner. When Aramikoshi wins, it is believed that the year will see rich harvests. When Danjiri wins, it is believed that fishermen will enjoy rich catches of fish. The water in the river in the final stage is especially important, as it is believed to clean up the guilt of civilians.



Posted by いっきゅう  at 12:38Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内



中学校卒業生、卒業おめでとうございます。happy02 明日はいよいよ県立高校の合格発表。ちょっと落ち着きませんね。我輩も今からソワソワしてます・・。


Juichimen Kanon: Kanon goddess having 11 faces.
Juichimen Kanon is believed to relive the troubles and sufferings of people with deep mercy.

Zikokuten is one of the four guardians.it is responsible for protecting the eastern part of the world where Buddha lives. It wears a kabuto and holds a long sword, and stomps on demons.1.86 meter in length

Tamonten:* There are four guardians that are given the responsibility of guarding the north, south, east, and west parts of the world where Buddha lives. Tamonten (Zikokuten) is one of these four guardians. It is responsible for guarding the north.:2.6 meter in length

Fudomyo-Ou is another significant figure of Buddha. It is believed to totally free people from worldly desires. When Buddha was determined to achieve enlightenment under a lime tree, every kind of evil struck Buddha in order to defeat Buddha’s ambition. However, Buddha’s strong determination drove these evils away. Fudomyo-Ou is the figure of Buddha at the moment. Kukai brought the legend of Fudomyo-Ou to Japan.

Compared with Fudomyo-Ou, Almost all the images of Buddha are composed. However, each facial expression has subtle difference.

These ruins remain a legacy of Buddhist Tantrism.More than 50 images of Buddha are carved out of the wall of a cave exit.
History: AC 806: Kukai, a monk who rose to prominence after studying Buddhism in Tang dynasty China, stopped by Ouchi and discovered the existence of several spiritual places. So he built three significant sculptures of Buddha called "Sazon" Kannon, Aida, and Syaka. The design of these sculptures was strongly influenced by Buddhist Tantrism.


近くに 天徳の湯という温泉施設が有りspa、年に数回ですがここに来るたびにこの仏様たちを拝んでいます。とても静かです。ぽつりぽつり人が訪れます。それぞれの仏様の様子を見ると、やはり不思議に心が休まります。  

Posted by いっきゅう  at 10:05Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内パワースポット


Lonely Planet Japan


今年は円安効果も影響して訪日外国人観光客数が史上最高を更新しているそうですね。彼らは、有名な観光地というより世界中で日本にしかない場所に大いに興味があるそうです。たとえば東京の築地の市場、谷中根津のような古い下町の路地、あるいはニホンザルが入る温泉は彼らに超人気だそうです。またSNS やブログなど口コミで高評価のお店の食べ歩も目玉だそうです。それだけ日本は美食の国といえますよね。

その彼らの多くのガイドブックの定番といえば今も昔も『Lonely Planet』です。






Posted by いっきゅう  at 12:11Comments(0)息抜き・・・英語でふるさと案内




The Ruins of Shirohebi

Jomon men” lived in this cave. The Jomon era is Japan’s pre-historical era around BC 10,000~500. Stonewares made in the Jomon-era were excavated in this cave. The ruins of the Temple of “Shigon-Syou, a sect of Buddhism in Japan, date back to the 12th century around the Kamakura period.

Location: the western part of Imari city called “Wakino.”It might to be quite difficult to reach this place without directions from a local. Narrow rice field passes lead you to these ruins. (Actually, I have gotten lost many times trying to get there. Its tranquility creates a mysterious and secret atmosphere.)


いっきゅうCM:パワーアップ 夏期講習受講生募集:中学 主要5教科+ 高校英語数学 個別90分授業で突破力持続力をつけよう!!

Posted by いっきゅう  at 15:03Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内パワースポット



This 3000-year-old Japanese cinnamon tree is worshiped as a deity in Wakagi-cho.The bottom of the tree has a hole containing a shrine dedicated to the dead in a civil war. There are religious monuments in some places to console inspirits of war dead.In civel war era, around Hizen and Kyushu area , there were many conflicts beteen war loads as well as the central Japan. This old tree has been witnessing such the histroy for long long time.The image of Kannon was chseled out of this tree by Goyoki a significant monk about 1200 years ago,Nara preiod . During the time, Yamato regimes adopted Buddhism as national religion to rule Japan.But he emphasized the fundamental teaching of Buddha which was to relieve people whose souls facing hardships.The debris of Kanon fell out of the trunk of the tree, so it is worshiped in a small shrine separately. by Hiroto Ikeda

樹齢3000年といわれる若木の大楠。 川古の大樹とも呼ばれてますね。見あげると堂々とした枝ぶりに圧倒されます。この大樹自体がひとつの世界いや、宇宙を感じます・・・。


あたりに何かしらパワーが降り注いでいる・・・ 歴史の重みというものか・・。樹の根元近くの幹に空洞があり祠(ほこら)が祀られています。




Posted by いっきゅう  at 12:32Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内パワースポット


The Miyuki Festival;みゆき大祭と神埼宿


This festival is dedicated to Kushiada Shrine. Kushiada is worshiped as one of the deities of agriculture. It’s believed to protect people from evil spirits.

The Miyuki Festival: Lion dancing, called Daikagura, is performed at this festival. The march captured in these pictures demonstrates the “Sankin Koutai,” referring to a march practiced in the Edo era. Sankin Koutai was compulsory for all lords. They had to visit Edo city to be seen by the Shogun every second day as proof of their loyalty to the Shogun.There were many different routes/roads throughout Japan that the lords could travel along. These routes/roads were called Kaidou in Japanese. In Hizen, people used to travel along Nagasaki Kaidou from Nagasaki to Kokura. Nagasaki was the only place where the Tokugawa Shougunate permitted trade with certain foreign countries such as the Netherlands, China and Korea. So many travelers including merchants, sightseers, scholars, foreigners, Buddhist pilgrims, and lords and their followers, traveled along the Nagasaki route.Shukuba was a spot where such travelers stopped and took a rest. Kanzaki city was one of these spots. There were many inns and shops in Kanzaki.

 written by Hiroto Ikeda



Posted by いっきゅう  at 10:32Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内



There are several hypotheses regarding why and how Araodori started. The dominant one is as follows: In 1530 AD, the warriors led by Goto, the lord of the Takeo Clan, defeated Arima’s forces who were trying to invade the Takeo territory from the Shimabara area. The low class warriors called Ashigai started dancing spontaneously in celebration of the victory. This dance eventually developed into a unique traditional art form.


The Art Forms;As the videos show, the common way of dancing in each place is by keeping a crouching posture like that of Sumo wrestlers. There are subtle differences among the Araodori in the three places: the hand and feet movements, Hayashi or music, costumes, and the order of songs and dances. The way the leading dancers called “Mosho” are followed by a long line of performers when entering and leaving under the Torii (i.e., gates of shrines) is a unique form of the celebrations. The Mosho’s costumes and their swords are reproductions of the ones used by the Ashigaru during those times

Songs;The contents of the songs are about love and celebration. This is particularly true for songs of the early to mid Edo era. Low class warriors called, Ashigaru were dancing and singing spontaneously to celebrate their victories in various conflicts. The contents of those songs were arranged in their own way.

A Furyu dance; is also performed by juniors to pray for rich harvests. Surprisingly, the junior dancers performed well. According to the announcements, they practiced hard over several months after school. I believe the local residents, surrounding communities, and schools have a valuable tradition of sincerely preserving their own traditional art forms indeed.

written by Hiroto Ikeda :1-Q presents  

Posted by いっきゅう  at 15:31Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内



The shrine stands in a deep forest in the middle of Tenzan Mountain which is the largest mountain in Saga prefecture. It is quite a small event demonstrating a traditional performance art that has been sincerely preserved by the residents of the small village of Hoshiryou.

Hoshiryou-Furyu is dedicated to “Fujiwara Kamatari“, a deity to whom we pray for rich harvests. Allegedly, the Fujiwara Shrine was built in 1795. (The date of when the first Hoshiryou-Furyu originated is uncertain.) Only males are allowed to perform this ritual.

As the video clips show, the dancer called “Tentsuku-mai” performs certain choreographed movements (mainly two patterns of movement) which correspond to the Hayashi or unique music. The precise movements of the performance were repeated 7 times with the dancer facing a different direction in front of the shrine each time.One main pattern of movement consists of choreographed moves: some prostrate and some as steps. The other main pattern of movement is a form of drum dancing.The uniqueness of this ritual is embodied in the costume of the dancer, which has a crescent-shaped horn, and the method of dance which involves the beating of drums while dancing. This ritual possesses the traits of “Tentsuku-mai”, one of the streams of Furyu dance.

Actually, several rituals like Hoshiryou-Furyu have disappeared due to declining populations in each village. So I admire the Hoshiryou residents who have been preserving this ritual and handing it down to future generations. (Next year, I hope I will be able to report on other Furyu festivals around Kiyuragi, Amagawa and Hirose.)

Well…I had difficulty arriving at the event because I didn’t have a detailed map. I eventually encountered a small village, so I got out of my car to ask for directions to the event. Unfortunately, nobody was at home even though I could see that the doors of the village houses were opened. I finally bumped into an elderly peasant. He kindly told me “go straight along this road. It’s just around the corner.” However, after driving straight along that particular road for 15 minutes, I arrived at a 3-way fork in the road!! I thought, “What should I do? I ‘m almost late for the start of the event!! (I should have taken into account the local people’s sense of distance and direction….) I chose the middle route and stepped on the accelerator. I saw several cars lined up along the side of the road. When I pulled over to the side of the road I finally heard the sounds of drums and flutes!!

Posted by いっきゅう  at 11:25Comments(0)英作文英語でふるさと案内


Furyu 浮立:英文

9月から10月にかけて佐賀県内あちらこちらで、浮立踊りが奉納されますね。いろいろな踊りの形態があって見てて楽しいです。歴史や成り立ちも興味深いものがあります。 以下の記事は私が8年前に撮って英文にしたものです。 これらは浮立についての総論です。もし機会があれば、個々の浮立についてもアップできればとおもいます。

The word "Furyu" is written with the Chinese characters pronounced as "Fuuryu" in Japanese. In English, "Fuuryu" carries the meaning of "cool" or "chic"nwith respect to culture, customs, and nature. Sometimes it is called Furyu-Odori, or Furyu dancing. Furyu dance is performed to the music called Hayashi, a unique combination of flutes, drums, and bells. Fuuryu dance has a wide variety of dance forms. Bon dancing is a representative form of Furyu. Bon dance festivals take place in most communities throughout Japan during Bon, the middle of summer. The word "Bon" is a Buddhist erm. People welcome their ancestors' spirits which are believed to come back home from another world during Bon by performing Bon dances and hanging lanterns.Nenbutsu Odori (Budhist Invocation Dance), Taiko Odori (Drum Dancing), and Shishi Odori (Lion Dance) are other representative forms of Furyu. The Chinese characters for Furyu are "Kaze" meaning wind and "Nagare" referring to stream. But around northwestern Kyushu, throughout Saga and the northern Nagasaki area wich used to be called Hizen in the feudal era, Furyu is written in the Japanese words "Uku," meaning floating,and "Tatsu," meaning standing. This loosely translates to the words "becoming ecstatic or excited" in Chinese characters. Roughly speaking, Furyu in this area can be categorized into three forms:Zanidaiko-Buryu, Men-Buryu, and Tentsukumai.

Fumaneki Furyu


Zenidaiko-Buryu is mainly performed in northwestern Saga, around Imari in particular. Each village around Imari seems to have its unique form of Furyu. Fumanekifuryu is representative of the Furyu in the area.This Furyu dance is a form of prayer for rain and a rich harvest. It's special in that young women wearing colorful kimono dance swiftly while beating small tumbler-like drums called Zeni-Daiko. The movements of the dancers correspond to music called Hayashi and songs. Flutes, bells and drums are typical instruments. And men aggressively and elegantly perform OO-Daiko odori, a dance involving the beating of a big drum.


Ichikawa Tentsukumai

Shirohige dengaku

Meta Furyu

Men-Buryu is dancing performed with masks in the Kashima area, southwestern Saga and the northern part of Nagasaki. This form of Furyu is dedicated to the war dead, from Japan's civil war era in particular. It is written that masked-warriors of Nabishma Noshige, a subordinate of Ryozozi, fought and succeeded in repelling Ootomo's invasion from Bungo (i.e., present day Ooita). To celebrate their triumph, a dance was performed. Otonari Bougaira's is a good example of this dance. It takes place annually in the middle of September. This bold performance is a celebration of victory in war. (Unfortunately, I was not able to see the Men-Buryu performance.)

Tentsukumai-Furyu: Tentsukumai-Furyu, mainly performed around the Saga plain and northern mountainous areas including the Seifuri and Tenzan mountains.It is called Genba-Ryu or Genba-School named after Yamamo Genba. He was the founder of Tentsukumai-Furyu in 1556 at Horie Shrine in Saga. He choreographed the indigenous Japanese dances performedin Kyoto and other parts of central Japan for the locals. In 1556, Genba started to perform Furyu at Horie Shrine in Saga to pray for rain. His style of Furyu dance was prevalent in the surrounding area. "Tentsukumai" literally means "the dance trusting the sky." The crescent-shaped figurethat the Tentsumai is wearing on his head is called Tentsuki. A sun, moon, or star is painted in the middle of the Tentsuki. In the feudal era, if a Tentsukumai failed in his performance, he was supposed to commit seppuku on a straw mat tightened around his back.

The following are other forms of Furyu in Hizen:Gyoretus-Buryu (Furyu of processions), Shishi-Bryu (Furyu of lions), Kane-Buryu (Furyu of ringing bells) ,and others

Bon dancing is a representative form of Furyu. Bon dance festivals take place in most communities throughout Japan during Bon, the middle of summer. The word “Bon” is a Buddhist term. People welcome their ancestors’ spirits which are believed to come back home from another world during Bon by performing Bon dances and hanging lanterns. During this time, most people throughout Japan return to their parents’ homes and enjoy a feast. “Awaodori” is one of the biggest festivals in Japan like the Rio Carnival in Brazil. Many people across Japan, including people from overseas, can participate in the lively dance parade. There is a famous phrase that goes, "When it comes to Awaodori dancing, dancers and spectators alike are crazy. So, why not enjoy dancing? What a waste if you don't dance!"

written by Hiroto:Ikkyou


Posted by いっきゅう  at 15:53Comments(0)英作文英語でふるさと案内






私も、かつて、リービ青年が、奈良・飛鳥の古代路を万葉集の文庫本をポケットに歩き周ったように、まあそれほど本格的ではないけれどhappy02 、肥前の古代路を周って、其処ここにある、古代の歌の歌碑を見つけては英訳に挑戦してた時期があるのです。


ゆく船 を 振り留みかね 如何ばかり 恋(こほ)しくありけむ 松浦佐用姫(まつらさよひめ)
How sad she was...no matter how many times she waved her sleeve, she couldn’t stop the departure of the vessel." -- By Yamonoueno Okura

また別のひとつは杵島の歌垣山にて、あられふる 杵島が丘をさかしみと 草取りかねて 妹が手を取る。
“When I climbed up the steep Kishima Mountain, I failed to grasp the grasses and I happened to take my sweetheart’s hand.”



Posted by いっきゅう  at 17:46Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内


Hagakure Furyu 

Hagakure Furyu (葉隠・浮立)というホームページを復活させました。





Posted by いっきゅう  at 18:02Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内




The main street in Arita extends from east to west at the center of Arita near the entrance of Tosan shrine or the Arita-ware pavilion. You can enjoy taking a walk along this street to see and shop for Arita ceramics at the many shops that line the street. The scenery of the street is so significant that it has been designated for preservation by Japan’s government. Many narrow back streets of this area have a scenic atmosphere. During the festival holding Arita-ware markets along Arita Street, about 1 million people (the population of Arita is less than ten thousand) flood into the street to take advantage of discounted product offerings made during Golden Week from the end of April to May 5th.


A Lord, Hideyoushi Toyotomi, who had succeeded in uniting Japan through many civil wars, sent his military force to Korea to invade the peninsula in 1592. A pivotal event in Japanese history occurred in 1597 called “Buroku, Keicho no Eki.” At this event, many Japanese clans joined the aggressive war against Korea and ended up abducting many Korean ceramic craftsmen. These clans intended to use these craftsmen to assist them in establishing their own ceramic industries. Then Nabeshima clan was able to force Li-Sanpei, a prominent master of ceramics, to join its clan. He found suitable clay for use in producing ceramics at “a mountain” in Arita. He created the first ceramics in Japan there. Since then, owing to Li and other Korean craftsmen, ceramic manufacturing has taken root in Arita.

Posted by いっきゅう  at 14:19Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内





Sotome is located in the western part of Nagasaki. "Sotome" refers to "open sea". It faces the East China Sea. The sea is so beautiful that several cars pull over to the side of the road to enjoy the breathtaking view. "Tomogi Village" in "Silence" (a literary masterpiece about the Christian Martyrs and the Christians in Hiding) was written by Endo Shusaku and modeled after Sotome-cho. Sotome-cho is also one of the homes of Kakure Kirishitan history

This is a Krishitan (Christian) shrine. Only three Kirishitan shrines exist in Japan. Graves for Christians surround this shrine. Kakure Krishitan used to secretly get together in this forest and chant Orasyo behind this rock.

Baschian led the Kakure Kirishitans after the missionaries had disappeared from the Sotome area. While hiding in this cottage, he had been carrying on the religious practices of the Kakure Kirishitan with residents in Sotome for about 23 years. But the smoke from his cooking in this cottage was seen by someone from another mountain. He was captured and detained in a jail for 3 years and 3 months. He was severely tortured 78 times and finally beheaded in Nagasaki.


Posted by いっきゅう  at 14:08Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内パワースポット






Kunenan is an old hermitage, which is opened only 9 days of the year around the middle of November. Kunenan has been designated as a national significant sight. Kunenan was a villa of a significantly successful businessperson Itami Yatarou in Saga.The beauty of the Kunenan garden varies according to the seasons. The moss covers the garden like a carpet. In particular, the autumn colored maple leaves contrasting with the dark green moss are amazingly beautiful

.Niiyama Shrine. Kunenan is located along the street leading to Niiyama Shrine, which worships a deity of mountains and agriculture.Entering its property, I was moved by the many breathtaking beautifully colored trees! It wasn’t long before I became absorbed with taking photos of the area

While walking along the shrine’s road, I saw a small temple of Zizo-in (a sort of Buddhist Tantrism temple) and the old house of Ito Genboku, who was a relatively famous doctor known for introducing Western medical methods to Japan in the late Edo era such as the use of vaccines. Actually, it is worth going to Niiyama Shrine all year-round to appreciate its beautiful nature and cultural and religious atmosphere even though you are not able to enter Kunenan

Thanks for reading my wrtting.



Posted by いっきゅう  at 14:25Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内



伊万里市南波多府招 10月中旬


Michiyuki Dancing:In many local festivals around this area, a procession of performers called Michiyuki is often witnessed before their entry into shrines. Once inside the shrines, the Michiyuki begin their performances. It is a great chance for photographers to take their best shots because the natural scenery along the procession’s route is quite beautiful.


とても、楽しいお祭りです。なんといっても子供や若者がまとった衣装がカラフルでとてもファッショナブル。そしてたくさんの演目:厳粛な舞やあでやかな踊り。勇壮な太鼓の舞と、舞台での昔ながらの大衆演劇(浄瑠璃 悲喜劇もの・・・恵比寿様・大黒様や小さいこどもたちが猿になる猿芝居などなど・・。)観る人たちはゴザの上で、お弁当をひろげ、お茶やお酒を飲みながら、お昼から夕方遅くまで家族や親戚、顔見知りの演技を堪能されます。



Feature ;In Fumaneki-Furyu, there are more than10 kinds of performances including shrine rituals, dances, and plays that are demonstrated and dedicated to the deities. The main performers of this traditional art form are minors. Colorful kimono clad young girls dancing while beating small drums called “Zeni-Daiko” is characteristic of Fumaneki-Furyu. It is categorized as Mai-Furyu, or “dancing Furyu”. Zeni-Daiko also refers to drum dancing performed by males and females respectively. The girls seem to range from 3 or 4 years old to 18 years old and they are cute and beautiful. And the drum dance performances of young boys who seem to be junior high school are surprisingly professional! I’ve heard they have been practicing for their performance in Fumaneki village since they were very little.


Actually, they are intangible cultural assets. Adults standing behind the young performers are playing melodies and songs. They used to be the main performers when they were kids, of course. Besides that, adults and minors play several old acting roles derived from stories of so called, “Joururi” which is Japan’s traditional ballad drama or puppet drama. These stories are comedies and tragedies. So, in the old days, the public must have enjoyed their acting as a form of entertainment at the festival.

Posted by いっきゅう  at 11:08Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内






You witness the big stature called Fudoson or Fumyudou-ou at Taiko Rock in Kurokami mountains .( Hodou literaly refers to steadfastness. This god is believed to be determined to offer tender mercy to redeem troubled people in Tantric Buddhism. Fudomyo-Ou is another significant figure of Buddha. It is believed to totally free people from worldly desires. When Buddha was determined to achieve enlightenment under a lime tree, every kind of evil struck Buddha in order to defeat Buddha’s’ ambition. However, Buddha’s strong determination drove these evils away. Fudomyo-Ou is the figure of Buddha at the moment. Kukai brought the legend of Fudomyo-Ou to Japan.


Parts of Kurokami Mountain exist in Yamauchi-cho, Nishiarita-cho, Arita-cho and Imari city. Jougu and Gegu, the headquarters and branch of Kurokami Shrine respectively are located in Yamauchi-cho in Takeo City. Actually the branch, which is located in a residential area, is much larger and newer than its headquarters standing on the top of Kurokami Mountain. Kurokami Shrine is the oldest shrine in the Hizen area. No one knows exactly when it was built.It is believed that the shrine was built to worship the mountain and big stones as a deity in ancient times. Eventually, it took on significance in the ancient Shinto religion

Posted by いっきゅう  at 09:48Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内パワースポット



日程:2009年9月12日~13日予定。場所:唐津市厳木町星領 藤原神社で行われます。私は2005年に行きました。

The shrine stands in a deep forest in the middle of Tenzan Mountain which is the largest mountain in Saga prefecture. It is quite a small event demonstrating a traditional performance art that has been sincerely preserved by the residents of the small village of Hoshiryou

厳木ダムの上流 天山山系の中腹のある小さな村、星領の浮立です。過疎化のため一度中断されてたそうですが、伝統的お祭りを絶やさないように地元の人達が復活させたそうです。

Actually, several rituals like Hoshiryou-Furyu have disappeared due to declining populations in each village. So I admire the Hoshiryou residents who have been preserving this ritual and handing it down to future generations

この場所にたどり着くのは大変苦労しました。地図を片手に運転しても山林道ばかりでよくわからなくなってしまった。小さな集落があったので人に訊いてみようと、車を降りてもひとが見つからず、家屋を訪ねても誰も出てきません。あちらこちらとうろうろして、やっと、農作業のおじいちゃんを見つけました。そのおまつりの神社の場所を訊くと、『すぐそこたい。。この道まっすぐ行けば わかるばい。』と、親切に教えてくれました。祭りの始まる予定時間はすでに過ぎてます。いそいで車に戻りを走らせましたが、15分過ぎても見当たりません、ああ・・・何分ぐらい掛かるか訊けばよかった。時間や距離の感覚は人によって違うものだ・・・。と悔やんでいると目の前に三叉路があるのでした。オイオイ!どの道なんだよ~っ! エエイ!とヤケクソ気味にど真ん中の道へとアクセルを踏み込んだら・・・チラッと林の向こうに天使のような法被姿の子供が見えました。車を脇に止め、窓をあけると、どこからともなく、ピーひょろろろ~といかにもなつかしい秋祭りのお囃子の音が聴こえて来ました・・・とさ。


Well…I had difficulty arriving at the event because I didn’t have a detailed map. I eventually encountered a small village, so I got out of my car to ask for directions to the event. Unfortunately, nobody was at home even though I could see that the doors of the village houses were opened. I finally bumped into an elderly peasant. He kindly told me “go straight along this road. It’s just around the corner.” However, after driving straight along that particular road for 15 minutes, I arrived at a 3-way fork in the road!! I thought, “What should I do? I ‘m almost late for the start of the event!! (I should have taken into account the local people’s sense of distance and direction….) I chose the middle route and stepped on the accelerator. I saw several cars lined up along the side of the road. When I pulled over to the side of the road I finally heard the sounds of drums and flutes!!



Posted by いっきゅう  at 18:18Comments(0)英語でふるさと案内